Meet the News Editors at The Oxford Blue for Trinity Term 2022!

Senior Editors

Freya Jones

Hi! I’m Freya, a first year German student at Oriel College. Having worked on The Blue for a while now, I’m very excited to be returning as Senior News Editor for Trinity Term. My “Day in the Life” usually  involves an early morning in the gym or a long time lying in bed, thinking about all the admin that needs to be done. After that I’m off to class or the library – via Pret for that (strong) black Americano. The afternoon sees me editing The Blue, having (more) coffee with interesting contacts or attempting to revise for Pr*lims. Then it’s time for some cooking, before retreating to write an essay or article – or heading out to source my final caffeine fix in the form of an espresso martini.

Guy Ward-Jackson

I’m Guy, a second year history student at Trinity College, and I’m incredibly excited to take on Trinity Term as a Senior News Editor for The Blue

Here is an average “Day In the Life”: I usually set my alarm for 7:30, though that is by no means to say that 7:30 is when I wake up. Often though my days start with rowing at the far more brutal time of 6:00. Especially if I’ve been out the night before this is not too fun. The rest of my days are filled with a combination of work, more sport (athletics, football, or fives), and of course the occasional Blue meeting (and even more occasional tutorial…). If I’m having a quiet one, my days might end with a game of pool or a drink at the bar. On not so quiet nights they end with me stumbling back from Park End Wednesdays and passing out fully dressed — at which point the 7:30 alarm becomes obsolete.

Hector Worsley

Hi all! I’m Hector, a second year English and French student at St Catz, and I’m super excited to be one of the Junior Editors of News for The Blue for Trinity term. On a typical day (if there ever is one in Oxford), I’ll wake up feeling guilty for not working enough the previous day, before embarking on another day of elaborate procrastination. This usually includes going on a run, playing some pool in the JCR, and making the most of my Pret subscription. At 8:30 I’m always the first one there in the Itsu half-price queue (got to get there early for the veggie boxes). Oh and I’ll of course always spend an hour of my day admiring Catz’s brutalist architecture in honour of Arne Jacobsen, as per the Catz tradition.

Charlotte Perry

Hello! My name is Charlotte, a second year Classical Archaeology and Ancient History student from Somerville. My day starts with my alarm blaring, normally around 8am. Sometimes waking up at this time is more likely than other days, but I try and have a routine. Occasionally I’m up before the mad Somerville shower dash, but most mornings I make some coffee and and catch up on the news. Coffee consumed, and outfit chosen, I spend my day working in Leon after my lecture on Roman Law. From here, I venture back to my college to get through some more reading, or do some writing for The Blue. After I get back I’ll spend a few hours at the gym, with nothing but a cracking Spotify playlist for company. Then I try a new recipe and watch a show. My day ends with a session on Duolingo, normally in Swedish and Danish.


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