Cover Image: Radcliffe Camera, captured by Reya Muller.

Oxford was greeted with a burst of snowfall on Sunday morning, gently coating the city in a layer of white and making for a University-wide snow day. Here are some images which captured the snow from The Oxford Blue.

Snowman with hat, scarf and gloves. Captured By Oliver Shaw.

Nippet, The Oxford Blue’s dog-in-residence. Captured by Gabriella Emery.

Snow along rooftops. Captured by Oliver Bater.

Festive snowman with a tinsel scarf. Captured by Ana Silvia Gheorghe.

Snowfall on fir trees. Captured by Florence Toone.

Rooftop with a blanket of fresh snow. Captured by Sophie Wright.

Lady Margaret Hall on snow day. Captured by Lois Heslop.

Sheet of snow in front of the Radcliffe Camera. Captured by Megan Lee.

Christ Church Meadows, looking frosty. Captured by Leona Crawford.

Snow at Magdalen through a window. Captured by Anvee Bhutani.