Emerging from our cocoons, some would argue prisons, we look out (at the risk of hackneyed phrasing) a changed world. Of course, we remember the outside, but a little help never hurts; what better balm for the gloom of the inside than the sunshine-drenched climes of Italian winters that feel, without fail, like summer? Specifically, the kind of summer feeling you couldn’t help but want after the credits rolled on Call Me By Your Name: absorbing the pastel colours and traversing quaint and quasi-whimsical warm-toned streets to lie under the overhanging branches of an umbrella pine.

Crowds and commotion, the forgotten vestiges of a bygone era — in early January
A cityscape that gradually melts away into sky and trees, diverse elements of Rome’s vistas
Shadows surround the Arch of Titus, drawing focus to Capitoline hill and the ant-like visitors beneath
Not the bridge of sighs, but a bridge nonetheless: crossing a calm Tiber in the setting sun
The view from above, a full rooftop thrown into perspective (windows wide and individuals in shockingly close proximity to one another)
It wouldn’t be Rome without a look within the Colosseum, in all its partially-collapsed glory
What your average caption would call a bird’s-eye view, highlighting the sprawling ruins of the Roman Forum
Golden colours characterise a scene of sunset and farewell to the city