The Oxford Student Union Student Council has passed a motion to create a project painting a picture of what life has been like for students at the University during the pandemic.

The project, proposed by Andrew Omond, from Keble College, will invite students and staff to “share their thoughts, feelings, fears and hopes” throughout the lockdown period. It will be open to submissions of “art projects, photos, writings, poetry, articles, diary entries, music, dance, monologues – anything that can be captured and which gives some sort of glimpse into living through a pandemic.”

Andrew said in his proposal of the project: “ I feel like this is an historic moment that needs to be recorded before it is lost to posterity” and has emphasised how he hopes the project will “capture the transition from the current lockdown to (hopefully) something approaching normality”.

The Oxford Student Union Student Council backed the motion by 29 votes to 8, and agreed to assist in “soliciting, managing and curating submissions” to prepare them for a “final publication”.

At Tuesday’s busy meeting, the Student Council also voted on several other key motions:

To include “self-isolation upon arrival” in the criteria allowing international students to return to College before UK students in Hilary Term.

To mandate the Vice-President for Welfare and Equal Opportunities to secure sabbatical support for the End of Eating Disorders Crisis Now campaign.

To reinstate the LGBTQ+ Campaign as an Oxford SU Campaign, unchanged from its previous constitution.

To ratify the appointment of Emilie Tapping as External Appeals Officer for the Oxford Student Union.

Andrew Omond and the Oxford Student Union have been contacted for comment.

Image credits: Pixabay