Image credit: Marcelina Jagielka

As a new term begins the Lifestyle team are very excited to introduce our new ‘Out and About’ section! What better way to get started than to describe our favourite places in the city.

Holly Bostock

Hi, I’m Holly, I’m a second year at Somerville studying French and German and I am a Junior Editor for The Oxford Blue Lifestyle section this term! My favourite place in Oxford has got to be the University Parks as it holds so many good memories of Oxford for me – playing college sports, end of exam trashings and lazing with friends and a jug of Pimm’s on hot summer days in Trinity. I am really looking forward to focussing on the Wellbeing and Travel sections this term.

Image credit: Holly Bostock

Rohini Gupte

Shamefully, my favourite place in Oxford has to be Pret. Specifically, the big Pret on Cornmarket (the small Pret is, well, too small and the Westgate Pret is woefully irrelevant).

If you think this just an unsubtly attempted sponsorship deal (god, I wish it was), hear me out. Pret is a microcosm of Oxford life. Nowhere else will you see students frantically typing out essays, nursing hangovers and conducting fast-paced society business all in one place. Pret is to Oxford what the agora was to ancient Athens. The coffee may not be particularly good, but the sheer volume of gossip one can overhear in Pret more than makes up for it. This is all to say I am looking after the ‘Out and About’ section this term, but promise to go a bit further afield than Pret to highlight all of the gorgeous places in Oxford! I will also be handling our revived Agony Aunt section, so keep a look out for that!

Image credit: Rohini Gupte

Lucy Heywood

If you asked me where I spent the most time in Oxford I’d probably have to say standing in the queue outside ‘Big Pret’ on Cornmarket Street – but my favourite spot in Oxford by far is the Worcester Lake. Not only is it perfect for photo opportunities and a great bragging point for my college pride, but it’s also a lovely place to enjoy nature without having to venture out of the city. The only downside is that it’s becoming increasingly hard not to pick up one of the ducks…

Lucy will be managing all things Relationships!

Image credit: Lucy Heywood

Amy Ellis Winter

Hey everyone! My name’s Amy and I’m the HT22 Junior Editor of Fashion and Style for the Lifestyle section of The Oxford Blue. As an English student one of my favourite spots in Oxford is Blackwell’s Bookstore. I love spending my free time browsing there and nothing beats the smell of new books – the cafe also makes a great place to study. Unfortunately there’s only so many books my suitcase can hold to travel back home but it’s always gratifying to know that you are supporting your local bookstores!

Image credit: Amy Ellis Winter

Jade Calder

Hello there, I’m the Senior Editor for the Lifestyle section this term, and as a tired finalist in need of quick and cheap comfort I will admit one of my favourite retreats has to be the Oxford institution that is G&Ds. In first year my home away from college was the St Aldate’s branch, and when I lived out in second year I would frequently venture into the Cowley Road branch. Perhaps I should complete the hat-trick and reserve a permanent table in the Little Clarendon Street hub. I truly have experienced the whole spectrum of emotions in these humble ice cream parlours i.e both essay crisis stress and brain freeze induced pain.

P.S. It is far superior to Pret.

Image credit: Jade Calder