Event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/2604701726455420/

Sign up here: https://forms.gle/313GR6DgMDeTGCnJ7

Outspoken, opinionated, and affectionately nicknamed “Rita Skeeter” by our team, the sensational Camilla Long is Zooming in with The Blue for an hour on Wednesday of 3rd week.

Camilla is a columnist for The Sunday Times, witty interviewer, and brutally honest TV critic. In her words, “I am unable to lie. I always feel if someone has paid me to offer an opinion it must be an honest one.”

She has previously won Hatchet Job of the Year because of her brutal character assassinations.

When Long interviewed the actor Michael Fassbender, her first question referred to the large size of the actor’s penis. Long said that she was “quite certain that [Fassbender] would willingly show me his penis, given slightly different circumstances and a bucket of champagne,” prompting Fassbender to respond that “I don’t think I would touch her with a barge pole!”

Sign-up: https://forms.gle/313GR6DgMDeTGCnJ7

Our co-hosts for the afternoon will be Molly Archer-Zeff & Lois Heslop. Graphic by Daria Maria Koukoleva.