Here at the University of Oxford, there are plenty of societies which aim to provide a warm and welcoming community. There are plenty of ERM and country-based societies, as well as those which cater to other identities, such as the Feminist Society and LGBTQ+ society. Some of these societies very kindly wrote an introduction to help new and prospective members find out what they’re all about. Click the links below to find out a little more!

ERM Societies

The University of Oxford is proud to host an incredibly diverse student population. Below are introductions from only a few of the ethnic and religious minority societies. For more information on a specific society, reach out and contact one of their committee members or your college’s ethnic and religious minority representative. While it is generally difficult to make sweeping judgements about Oxford’s variety of ERM societies, it is safe to say that all look forward to welcoming new students without judgement or prerequisites.

Other Identity Societies

The Feminist society is also dedicated to creating an intersectional space for those who identify with their society. You can read their society introduction here.

Finally, a full register of student societies can be found here: