Protest urging Boris to resign on Broad Street, April 29

‘Hey Hey! Ho Ho! Boris Johnson’s got to GO!’ The words are chanted by Baeu Boka-Batesa, a French student at Oxford and co-organiser of ‘We Say: Resign’. Organised by fellow student Bella Simpson, the movement has grown to a nationwide scale, with protests in Manchester, Birmingham, and London as well. Their aim is “to create public awareness and to allow for the public to have an active voice against Johnson”.

Despite being student-formed, the protest aims to gain support from a wider demographic. Frustrations primarily stem from PartyGate, however separate issues are also raised: such as the handling of the NHS, cost of living crisis, and breaking of promises. 

The cross-party protest brings together students and the wider public, including Oxford East MP Anneliese Dodds.

Attending City councillor Edward Mundy highlights the importance of students being heard. This is followed by a chant: ‘Power to the people! The People got the Power!’.

Meanwhile, local teenagers attending the protest raise their fears about the current government, claiming they are having to endure the mistakes of an administration they did not vote for.

This protest comes amidst a salient political week, overlapping with various new and contentious Conservative Party policies: including the Elections Bill, Policing Bill, and the Immigration and Nationalities Bill.