Summer VIIIs 2022 Leaderboard

A Summer VIIIs leaderboard for 2022 created by the Oxford Blue's Sports section.

Photo by Molly Cressey-Rodgers

Women’s – Men’s

The Summer VIIIs leaderboards*.

RankingBoat – Women’sBoat – Men’s
1Univ IOriel I
2Christ Ch IChrist Ch I
3Wolfson IKeble I
4Wadham IPembroke I
5Teddy’s IWolfson I
6Pembroke I Wadham I
7Oriel IBalliol I
8Keble ITeddy’s I
9Magdalen ICatz I
10New IMagdalen I
11Jesus IUniv I
12Hertford ITrinity I
13Anne’s IJesus I
14Catz ILMH I
15Balliol INew I
16John’s IQueen’s I
17Green Templeton IMerton I
18Linacre IHertford I
19Lincoln ILincoln I
20Somerville IHugh’s I
21LMH IExeter I
22Trinity IMansfield I
23Wolfson IIOriel II
24Mansfield IWorcester I
25Exeter IBNC I
26Merton IChrist Ch. II
27Peter’s ISomerville I
28BNC ICorpus I
29Corpus IPeter’s I
30Hugh’s IJohn’s I
31Worcester I Pembroke II
32Univ II Keble II
33Antony’s I Linacre I
34Osler IAnne’s I
35Queen’s IGreen Templeton I
36Hilda’s IAntony’s I
37Christ Ch. IIUniv II
38Pembroke IIWadham II
39Lincoln IINew II
40Wadham IITeddy’s II
41Magdalen IIBalliol II
42Linacre IITrinity II
43John’s IIWolfson II
44Green Templeton IIJesus II
45Wolfson IIIHilda’s I
46Oriel IICatz II
47Regent’s IMagdalen II
48BNC IILincoln II
49New IIRegent’s I
50Hugh’s IIMerton II
51Hertford IIBenet’s I
52Worcester IIQueen’s II
53Somerville IIBNC II
54Balliol IIPeter’s II
55Lincoln IIIExeter II
56Jesus II Catz III
57Teddy’s IIHertford II
58Catz IINew III
59Keble IIWolfson II
60Benet’s IKeble III
61Antony’s IILMH III
62Mansfield IIOriel III
63Christ Ch. IIIOsler I
64Corpus IIBalliol III
65Univ IIIWorcester II
66Oriel IIIUniv III
67Peter’s IIChrist Ch III
68Exeter IIMansfield II
69Merton IILinacre II
70Hilda’s IIOriel IV
71Wolfson IVChrist Ch IV
72Osler IISomerville II
73Univ IVWolfson IV
74Teddy’s IIIOriel V
75Antony’s IIIBNC III
76Queen’s IIHugh’s II
77Linacre IIIGreen Templeton II
78Magdalen IIITrinity III
79Pembroke IIChrist Ch V
80Peter’s IIIJesus III
81LMH IIHilda’s II
82Wolfson V Exeter III
83Wadham IIIPeter’s III
84 Univ IV
85 New IV

*these are not the official OURC results, any may be subject to human error.


The who-bumped-who of each day.

Boat Division – Day 1Rowed over, Bump or Bumped – Day 1 Division – Day 2Rowed over, Bump or Bumped – Day 2Division – Day 3Rowed over, Bump or Bumped – Day 3Division – Day 4Rowed over, Bump or Bumped – Day 4
Wolfson I 1Rowed over 1Rowed over1Bumped (Univ I)1Bumped (ChCh I)
Pembroke I1Bumped1Bumped (Teddy’s I)1Rowed over1Rowed over
Wadham I 1Bump 1Bumped (Univ I)1Bumped (ChCh I)1Rowed over
Univ I (Head of the River)1Rowed over 1Bump (Wadham I)1Bump (Wolfson I)1Rowed over
Christ Ch. I 1Rowed over1Rowed over1Bump (Wadham I)1Bump (Wolfson I)
Teddy’s I 1Rowed over 1Bump (Pembroke I)1Rowed over1Rowed over
Keble I 1Rowed over 1Rowed over1Rowed over1Bumped (Oriel I)
New I 1Rowed over 1Rowed over1Bumped (Oriel I) 1Bumped (Magdalen I)
Hertford I 1Rowed over 1Bumped (Oriel I)1Bumped (Magdalen I)1Bumped (Hertford I)
Oriel I 1Rowed over1Bump (Hertford I)1Bump (New I) 1Bump (Keble I)
Balliol I 1Bumped 1Bumped (Jesus I)2Bumped (Anne’s I)1Rowed over
Magdalen I 1Bump 1Rowed over1Bump (Hertford I)1Bump (New I)
Jesus I (sandwich boat) 2Rowed over / Rowed over 2 / 1 (SB)Bump (Balliol I) / Rowed over 1 Rowed over1Bump (Hertford I)
John’s I 2Rowed over 2Bump (Anne’s) 2Bumped (Catz I)2Rowed over
Linacre I 2Bumped 2Bumped (Catz I)2Rowed over2Bumped (GTC I)
Anne’s I 2Bump 2Bumped (John’s I)2 / 1 (SB)Bump (Balliol I) / Rowed over 2 / 1 (SB)Rowed over / Rowed over
Somerville I 2Bumped 2Rowed over 2Bumped (GTC I) 2Bumped (Linacre I)
Catz I 2Bump 2Bump (Linacre I)2Bump (John’s I)2Bump (Balliol I)
Trinity I 2Rowed over 2Bumped (GTC I)2Bumped (Lincoln I) 2Bumped (LMH I)
Mansfield I 2Bumped 2Bumped (Lincoln I)2Bumped (LMH I)2 Bumped (Mansfield I)
Green Templeton I 2Bump 2Bump (Trinity I)2Bump (Somerville I)2Bump (Linacre I)
Lincoln I 2Rowed over 2Bump (Mans I)2Bump (Trinity I)2 Bump (Somerville I)
Wolfson II 2Rowed over 2Bumped (LMH I)2Rowed over2Bump (Mansfield I)
Merton I 2Bumped3 / 2 (SB)Rowed over / Rowed over 3Bumped (Exeter I)3Rowed over
LMH I (sandwich boat) 3Rowed over / Bump2 Bump (Wolfson I) 2Bump (Mansfield I)2Bump (Trinity I)
BNC I 3Rowed over 3Bumped (Exeter I3Rowed over3Bumped (Peter’s I)
Exeter I 3Rowed over3Bump (BNC I)3 / 2 (SB)Bump (Merton I) / Rowed over3 / 2 (SB)Rowed over
Hugh’s I 3 Bumped 3Bumped (Peter’s I) 3Rowed over3Rowed over
Corpus I3Bump3Rowed over3Bumped (Peter’s I)3Rowed over
Worcester I 3Bumped3Rowed over3Rowed over3Rowed over
Peter’s I 3Bump3Bump (Hugh’s I)3Bump (Corpus I)3Bump (BNC I)
Antony’s I 3Bumped3Rowed over3Rowed over3Rowed over
Univ II3Bump3Rowed over3Rowed over3Rowed over
Queen’s I 3Rowed over 3Rowed over3Rowed over3Bumped (Osler I)
Christ Ch. II3 Bumped 3Bumped (Osler I) 4 / 3 (SB)Rowed over / Rowed over4 / 3 (SB)Rowed over /
Hilda’s I 3 Bump3Rowed over3Bumped (Osler I)3Rowed over
Wadham II 4Bumped 4 Bumped (Pembroke II)4Rowed over 4Bumped (Lincoln II)
Osler I (sandwich boat)4 /3Bump / Rowed over 4 / 3Rowed over / Bump (ChCh II)3Bump (Hilda’s I)3Bump (Queen’s I)
Pembroke II4Rowed over 4Bump (Wadham II)4Rowed over 4Rowed over
John’s II 4Bumped 4Bumped (Magdalen II)4Rowed over 4Bumped (Linacre II)
Lincoln II 4Bump 4Rowed over 4Rowed over 4Bump (Wadham II)
Magdalen II 4Rowed over 4Bump (John’s II)4Rowed over 4Rowed over
Green Templeton II 4Rowed over 4Rowed over 4Bumped (Linacre II)4Rowed over
Regent’s I4Bumped4Bumped (Wolfson III)4Bumped (Oriel II)4Rowed over
Linacre II 4Bump4Rowed over 4Bump (GTC I)4Bump (John’s II)
Wolfson III 4Rowed over 4Bump (Regent’s I)4Rowed over 4Rowed over
Worcester II 4Rowed over4Bumped (Oriel II)4Penalty bump 5 Over-bumped (BNC II)
New II 4Bumped 5 Klaxoned5 / 4 (SB)Rowed over / Rowed over 4 Bumped (BNC II)
Oriel II (sandwich boat)5/ 4Rowed over / Bump 4Bump (Worc. II)4Bump (Regent’s I)4Rowed over
Hugh’s II 5Bumped5Klaxoned5Bumped (Balliol II) Disallowed 5Bump (Hertford II)
Hertford II5Bump 5Klaxoned5Rowed over 5Bumped (Hugh’s II)
Balliol II 5Rowed over 5Klaxoned5Bump (Hugh’s II) Disallowed 5Bumped (Somerville II)
Somerville II5Bumped 5Klaxoned5Rowed over 5Bump (Balliol II)
BNC II 5Bump5Klaxoned5Rowed over 5 / 4 (SB)Over-bump (Worc II) / Bump (New II)
Jesus II 5Bumped 5Klaxoned5Rowed over 5Rowed over
Lincoln III 5Bump 5Klaxoned5Rowed over 5Rowed over
Catz II 5Rowed over5Klaxoned5Rowed over 5Bumped (Teddy’s II)
Mansfield II 5Bumped 5Klaxoned5Bumped (Antony’s II)6 / 5 (SB)Rowed over /
Keble II 5Bump 5Klaxoned5Rowed over 5Rowed over
Corpus II 5Bumped 6Bumped (Antony’s II) 6Bumped (Benet’s I)6 Bumped (ChCh III)
Teddy’s II (sandwich boat)6Rowed over / Bump5Klaxoned5Rowed over 5Bump (Catz II)
Oriel III6Bumped6Bumped (Benet’s I)6Bumped (ChCh III) 6Bumped (Univ III)
Antony’s II 6Bump6/ 5 (SB)Bump (Corpus II) / Klaxoned 6 / 5 (SB) Rowed over / Bump (Mansfield II)5Bumped (Benet’s I)
Hilda’s II 6Over-bumped6Bumped (Univ III)6Bumped (Peter’s II)6Rowed over
Exeter II 6Bumped 6Rowed over 6Bumped (Univ III)6Bumped (Peter’s II)
Christ Ch. III6Bump 6Rowed over 6Bump (Oriel III)6Bump (Corpus II)
Benet’s II6Over-bump 6Bump (Oriel III) 6 Bump (Corpus II) 6Bump (Mansfield II)
Univ III6Rowed over 6Bump (Hilda’s II) 6Bump (Exeter) 6Bump (Oriel III)
Merton II 6Rowed over 6Bumped (Peter’s II)6Rowed over 6Rowed over
Queen’s II 6Over-bumped7Bumped (Wolfson IV)7 Bumped (Osler II )7Bumped (Antony’s III)
Teddy’s III6Bumped 6Bumped (Wolfson IV)7 / 6 (SB) Rowed over / Rowed over 7 Bumped (Osler II)
Univ IV6Bump 6Rowed over 6Bumped (Wolfson IV) 6Bumped (Osler II)
Peter’s II (sandwich boat)7Rowed over / Over-bump 6 Bump (Merton II)6Bump (Hilda’s II) 6Bump (Exeter II)
Wolfson IV 7Rowed over 7/6 (SB)Bump (Queen’s II) / Bump (Teddy’s III)6Bump (Univ IV)6Rowed over
Pembroke III7Bumped 7Bumped (Antony’s III)7Bumped (Linacre II)7Bumped (Magdalen III)
Osler II 7Bump 7Rowed over7 Bump (Queen’s II) 7 / 6 (SB) Bump (Teddy’s III) / Bump (Univ IV)
Antony’s III7Rowed over 7Bump (Pembroke III)7Rowed over 7Bump (Queen’s II)
LMH II 7Rowed over 7Bumped (Linacre III)7Bumped (Magdalen III)7Bumped (Peter’s III)
Peter’s III7Bumped 7Bumped (Magdalen III)7Rowed over 7Bump (LMH II)
Linacre III7Bump 7Bump (LMH II) 7Bump (Pembroke III)7Rowed over
Wadham III7Bumped 7Bumped
(Wolfson V)
7Rowed over 7Rowed over
Magdalen III7Bump7Bump
(Peter’s III)
7Bump (LMH II)7Bump (Pembroke III)
Wolfson V 7Rowed over 7Bump
(Wadham III)
7 Rowed over 7Rowed over


The who-bumped-who of each day.

BoatDivision – Day 1Rowed over, Bump or Bumped – Day 1 Division – Day 2Rowed over, Bump or Bumped – Day 2Division – Day 3Rowed over, Bump or Bumped – Day 3Division – Day 4Rowed over, Bump or Bumped – Day 4
Oriel I 1Rowed over 1Rowed over1Rowed over1Rowed over
Keble I 1Rowed over 1Rowed over1Bumped (ChCh I)1Rowed over
Pembroke I1Rowed over 1Bumped (ChCh I)1Rowed over1Rowed over
Christ Ch. I 1Rowed over 1Bump (Pembroke I)1Bump (Keble I)1Rowed over
Teddy’s I 1Rowed over 1Bumped (Wolfson I) 1Bumped (Wadham I)1Rowed over
Wadham I 1Bumped 1Rowed over1Bump (Teddy’s I)1Rowed over
Wolfson I 1Bump 1Bump (Teddy’s I)1Rowed over1Rowed over
Trinity I 1Bumped1Bumped (Catz I)1Bumped (Magdalen I)1Bumped (Univ I)
Balliol I 1Bump 1Rowed over1Rowed over1Bump (Teddy’s I)
Catz I 1Bumped Technical row over 1Bump (Trinity I)1Rowed over1Rowed over
Univ I 1Bump Rowed over1Bumped (Magdalen I)1Technical Row over1Bump (Trinity I)
Magdalen I 1Rowed over 1 Bump (Univ I)1Bump (Trinity I)1Rowed over
LMH I 2Bumped 2Rowed over2Rowed over2Rowed over
Jesus I (sandwich boat) 2Bump / Rowed over 2 / 1 (SB)Rowed over2/ 1 (SB)Rowed over / Rowed over2 / 1 (SB)Rowed over / Rowed over
Queen’s I 2Rowed over 2Rowed over2Rowed over2Bumped (New I)
New I 2Rowed over 2Bumped (Merton I)2Bump
(Merton I)
2Bump (Queen’s I)
Hugh’s I 2Bumped 2Bumped (Hertford I)2Bumped (Lincoln I)2Rowed over
Merton I 2Bump 2Bump (New I)2Bumped (New I)2Rowed over
Hertford I 2Rowed over 2Bump (Hugh’s I)2Bump (New I)2Rowed over
Mansfield I 2Rowed over 2Bumped (Lincoln I)2Rowed over2Bumped (Exeter I)
Worcester I 2Bumped 2Bumped (Exeter I)2Bumped (Oriel II)2Rowed over
Lincoln I 2Bump 2Bump (Mansfeild I)2Bump (Hugh’s I)2Rowed over
Exeter I 2Rowed over 2 Bump (Worc I)2Rowed over2Bump (Mansfield I)
Corpus I 2Bumped3Bumped (BNC I)3 Bumped (ChCh II)3Bumped (Somerville I)
Oriel II (sandwich boat)3Rowed over / Bump 2Rowed over2Bump (Worc I)2Rowed over
BNC I 3Rowed over 3 / 2 (SB)Bump (Corpus I) / Rowed over 3 / 2 (SB)Rowed over / Rowed over3 / 2 (SB)Rowed over / Rowed over
John’s I 3Bumped 3Bumped (Somerville I)3Rowed over 3Bumped (Peter’s I)
Christ Ch. II 3Bump 3Rowed over3Bump (Corpus I)3Rowed over
Somerville I 3Rowed over 3Bump (John’s I)3Rowed over 3Bump (Corpus I)
Anne’s I 3Bumped 3Bumped (Peter’s I)3Bumped (Keble II)3Bumped (Linacre I)
Pembroke II 3Bump 3Rowed over3Bumped (Peter’s I)3Rowed over
Keble II 3Bumped 3Rowed over3Bump (Anne’s I)3Rowed over
Peter’s I3Bump 3Bump (Anne’s I)3Bump (Pembroke II)3Bump (John’s I)
Wadham II 3Bumped3Bumped (Linacre I)3Bumped (GTC I) 4Bumped (Univ II)
Antony’s I 3Bump 3Rowed over3Bumped (Linacre I)3Bumped (GTC I)
Teddy’s I 3Bumped 4Bumped (GTC I)
4Bumped (Univ II)3Rowed over
Linacre I (sandwich boat)4Rowed over / Bump 3Bump (Wadham II)3Bump (Antony’s I)3Bump (Anne’s I)
Green Templeton I 4Rowed over 4 / 3 (SB)Bump (Teddy’s I) Klaxoned / 4/ 3 (SB)Rowed over / Bump (Wadham II)3Bump (Antony’s I)
Univ II 4Rowed over 4Rowed over
4Bump (Teddy’s II)4 / 3 (SB)Bump (Wadham II) / Rowed over
New II 4Rowed over 4Rowed over Klaxoned 4Rowed over 4Bump (Teddy’s II)
Balliol II4Rowed over 4Rowed over Klaxoned 4Rowed over 4Rowed over
Trinity II4Bumped4Rowed over Klaxoned 4Bump (Jesus II)4Rowed over
Jesus II 4Bump 4Rowed over Klaxoned 4Bumped (Trinity II) 4Bumped (Wolfson II)
Cats II 4Rowed over4Rowed over Klaxoned 4Bumped (Wolfson II)4Bumped (Hilda’s I)
Lincoln II 4Rowed over 4Bumped (Wolfson II) Klaxoned 4Bumped (Hilda’s I)4Bumped (Magdalen II)
Hilda’s I 4Bumped 4Rowed over Klaxoned 4Bump (Lincoln II) 4Bump (Catz II)
Wolfson II 4Bump 4Bump (Lincoln II) Klaxoned 4Bump (Catz II)4Bump (Jesus II)
Merton II4Bumped 5Bumped (Magdalen II) Klaxoned 5Rowed over 5Rowed over
Regent’s I (sandwich boat)5Rowed over / Bump 4Rowed over Klaxoned 4Bumped (Magdalen II)5Rowed over
Magdalen II 5Rowed over 5 / 4 (SB)Bump (Merton II) /Rowed over Klaxoned 5 / 4 (SB)Rowed over / Bump (Regent’s I)4Bump (Lincoln II)
Queen’s II 5Rowed over 5Rowed over 5Rowed over 5Bumped (Benet’s I)
Exeter II 5Rowed over 5Bumped (Benet’s I)5Bumped (BNC II)5Bumped (Peter’s II)
Benet’s I 5Rowed over 5Bump
(Exeter II)
5Rowed over 5Bump (Queen’s II)
BNC II 5Rowed over 5Rowed over 5Bump (Exeter II)5Rowed over
Wolfson III 5Bumped 5Bumped (Peter’s II) 5 Bumped (Catz III)5Rowed over
Hertford II5Bump 5Rowed over 5Bumped (Peter’s II)5Bumped (Catz III)
LMH II 5Bumped 5Bumped (Catz III)5Bumped (New III)5Bumped (Keble III)
Peters II 5Bump 5Bump (Wolfson III)5Bump (Hertford II)5Bump (Exeter II)
Osler I 5Bumped5Bumped (New III)6Bumped (Keble III)6 Bumped (Oriel III)
Catz III 5Bump 5Bump (LMH II)5Bump (Wolfson III)5Bump (Hertford II)
Worcester II 6Bumped6Bumped
(Keble III)
6Bumped (Oriel III)6 Bumped (Balliol III)
New III (sandwich boat)6Bump / Rowed over 6 / 5 (SB)Rowed over / Bump (Osler I)5Bump (LMH II)5Bump (Wolfson III)
Keble III6Rowed over 6Bump (Worc II) 6 / 5 (SB)Bump (Osler I) / Rowed over 5Bump (LMH I)
Univ III6Rowed over 6Bumped (Oriel III)6Bumped (Balliol III)6Rowed over
Christ Ch III6Bumped6Bumped (Balliol III)6Rowed over 6Rowed over
Oriel III6Bump6Bump (Univ III)6Bump (Worc II)6 / 5 (SB)Bump (Osler I)
Mansfield II6Bumped6Rowed over 6Rowed over6Rowed over
Balliol III6Bump 6Bump (ChCh III)6Bump (Univ III)6Bump (Worc II)
Somerville II6Rowed over 6Bumped
(Oriel IV)
6Bumped (Linacre II)6Bumped (ChCh IV)
Wolfson IV 6Bumped 6Bumped
(Linacre II)
6Bumped (Ch Ch V)6Rowed over
Oriel IV 6Bump 6Bump (Somerville II)6Rowed over 6Bumped (Linacre II)
BNC III6Bumped 7Rowed over 7 Bumped (Ch Ch V)7Bumped (Oriel V)
Green Templeton II 7Bumped7Bumped
(ChCh IV)
7Bumped (Oriel V)7 Bumped (Hugh’s II)
Linacre II (sandwich boat)7Bump / Bump 6Bump (Wolfson IV)6Bump (Somerville II)6Bump (Oriel IV)
Christ Ch IV 7Rowed over 7Bump
7 / 6 (SB)Bump (BNC III) / Bump (Ch Ch IV) 6Bump (Somerville II)
Christ Ch V 7Rowed over 7Bumped
(Oriel V)
7Bumped (Hugh’s II)7Bumped (Trinity III)
Hilda’s II 7Bumped7Bumped
(Hugh’s II)
7Bumped (Trininty III)7Bumped (Jesus III)
Oriel V 7Bump 7Bump
(ChCh V)
7Bump (BNC III)
Exeter III7Bumped7Bumped (Trinity III)7Bumped (Jesus III)7Rowed over
Hugh’s II 7Bump 7Bump (Hilda’s II)7 Bump (ChCh V)7 Bump (GTC II)
Trinity III7Rowed over 7Bump
(Exeter III)
7Bump (Hilda’s II)7Bump (ChCh V)
Peter’s III 7Rowed over7Bumped (Jesus III)7Rowed over 7Rowed over
Univ IV 7Bumped7Rowed over 7Rowed over 7Rowed over
Jesus III7Bump 7Bump (Peter’s III)7 Bump (Exeter III)7Bump (Hilda’s II)
New IV 7Rowed over 7Rowed over 7Rowed over 7 Rowed over


These results are taken from the provisional results posted by the OURCs, and may not be wholly accurate.

The key for the both table is as follows:

  • Rowed over = the boat was neither bumped, nor did they bump anyone else (they didn’t go up or down)
  • Bump = the boat bumped someone else (they went up)
  • Bumped = the boat was bumped by someone else (they went down)
  • Over-bump = the boat bumped another boat that was 3 places ahead of them after the two boats between them bumped/ were bumped (the over-bumped and the over-bumper switch places)
  • Over-bumped = the boat was bumped another boat that was 3 places behind of them after the two boats between them bumped/ were bumped (the over-bumped and the over-bumper switch places)
  • Sandwich boat = the top boat of every division after that division’s race is a ‘sandwich boat’ and must race again in the division above