[Editor’s note: all faces of protestors who did not consent to being photographed have been blurred, and metadata has been removed from all photos]

As many as two thousand people peacefully gathered this afternoon in South Park, Oxford in protest over the death of George Floyd, and in support of Black Lives Matter.

The demonstration lasted roughly from 13:00 to 17:00, as a wide range of protestors gave affecting speeches throughout the afternoon. 

At one point the entire crowd knelt, fists held aloft, for a particularly powerful and emotive minute’s silence.

Clear attempts at social distancing were supported by the altruism and circumspection of some protestors, who freely distributed handmade masks to others.

There will also be a march on Tuesday (June 9th) from Cowley Road to the city centre.

Photographs are courtesy of Rufus Atkins, Anusha Abbas and Mia Hammersley.

Mason Thomas Downes and Fabian Bryan, photographed at the Oxford BLM protest