CREDITS BASED ON THE OXFORD BLUE FRESHERS GUIDE 2022, WITHSPECIAL THANKS AND CREDIT TO LUCY HEYWOOD, 2022 EDITORIALLEAD, AND THE EDITORIAL TEAM OF MICHAELMAS TERM 2022. CREATIVE LEAD: MADALEINEPEARCE EDITORIAL LEADS: MADALEINEPEARCE, LUCAS HASKINS ANDFLORA PRIDEAUX COVER ART: NIAMH WALKER CONTRIBUTORS 2023: BEN NOLAN, FLORA PRIDEAUX, LUCAS HASKINS, MADALEINE PEARCE, DAVID YANG CONTRIBUTORS 2022: LUCYHEYWOOD, BEN BLACKBURN, GUYWARD-JACKSON, THE LIFESTYLETEAM OF MT22. A WELCOME FROM THE editors-in-chief A WELCOME FROM THE editors-in-chief FIRST OF ALL: WELCOME TO OXFORD! YOU GOT THE OFFER, YOU GOT THEGRADES, AND YOU GOT THE PLACE - IT TAKES A LOT OF WORK TO GET HERE, AND YOU SHOULD BE VERY PROUD OF YOURSELF. STARTING UNIVERSITYANYWHERE IS NERVE-WRACKING, BUT STARTING AT SOMEWHERE ASPRESTIGIOUS AS OXFORD COMES WITH A WHOLE OTHER BUNDLE OF ANXIETIES. THERE WILL BE CHALLENGES, WORK, AND SOME SLIGHTLY (OK, VERY) STRANGETRADITIONS, BUT THERE WILL ALSO BE AMAZINGLY UNIQUE OPPORTUNITIES, LIFELONG MEMORIES MADE, AND THE CHANCE TO EXPLORE AND LIVE IN ONE OFTHE MOST BEAUTIFUL CITIES in the world. IT IS COMPLETELY NORMAL TO WORRY OR FEEL NERVOUS ABOUT COMING TOOXFORD - EVERYONE YOU SPEAK TO, WHATEVER YEAR, WILL HAVE BEEN IN THEEXACT SAME POSITION AT SOME POINT. HOPEFULLY, THIS GUIDE WILL HELPADDRESS SOME OF THOSE NERVES BY GIVING YOU A REALISTIC INSIGHT INTOOXFORD LIFE, AS WE AIM TO DISMANTLE THE MYSTICISMS OF OXFORD AND THEIDEALISED DESCRIPTIONS IN THE UNIVERSITY BROCHURES. i promise you, we’re nowhere near as culty as we’re made out to be! THERE’S SOMETOP TIPS, LIFE HACKS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND GENERAL ADVICE. I HOPE THATYOU FIND THIS REASSURING. more than anything, PLEASE TAKE CARE OFYOURSELF - whilst it feels like the biggest deal of your life startinguniversity, what always matters more is you and your wellbeing. HAVE AN AMAZING YEAR and i hope to see you around! -- Madaleine pearce, LUCAS HASKINS (editorS-in-chief mt23) and FLORA PRIDEAUX(MANAGING DIRECTOR MT23) contents page contents page CREDITS A WELCOME FROM THEEDITORS-IN-CHIEF CONTENTS PAGE BEFORE YOU ARRIVE PACKING LIST WHAT IS A COLLEGE? FRESHERS WEEK TO COOK OR NOT TO COOK? FOOD ON A BUDGET WORK AND STUDY LIBRARIES OTHER STUDY SPACES CLUBS, PUBS, AND BARS STAYING SAFE ON A NIGHT OUT SOCIETIES STUDENT UNION CAMPAIGNS SEXUAL HEALTH RESOURCES WELFARE AND WELLBEING WELFARE SUPPORT CONTACTS THE OXFORD GLOSSARY THE OXFORD BLUE JOin your freshers’ group chat. You’ll be able to find theseJOin your freshers’ group chat. You’ll be able to find theseJOin your freshers’ group chat. You’ll be able to find theseon Facebook - there are usually chats for your year inon Facebook - there are usually chats for your year inon Facebook - there are usually chats for your year inyour college, your course, and even your entire yearyour college, your course, and even your entire yearyour college, your course, and even your entire yeargroup. These can get pretty hectic, and you might end upgroup. These can get pretty hectic, and you might end upgroup. These can get pretty hectic, and you might end upputting them on mute when a hundred messages aboutputting them on mute when a hundred messages aboutputting them on mute when a hundred messages aboutwhether or not you can have a toaster in your room comewhether or not you can have a toaster in your room comewhether or not you can have a toaster in your room comethrough (p.s. you probably can’t). But it’s always handy tothrough (p.s. you probably can’t). But it’s always handy tothrough (p.s. you probably can’t). But it’s always handy tobe a part of these to stay in the loop, especially duringbe a part of these to stay in the loop, especially duringbe a part of these to stay in the loop, especially duringfreshers’ week!freshers’ week!freshers’ week! BEFORE YOU ARRIVEBEFORE YOU ARRIVE Take advantage of every deal or discount.Take advantage of every deal or discount.Take advantage of every deal or discount. Setting up a student bank account before youSetting up a student bank account before youSetting up a student bank account before youarrive will save some time in freshers’ week.arrive will save some time in freshers’ week.arrive will save some time in freshers’ week. Different banks offer you different incentives,Different banks offer you different incentives,Different banks offer you different incentives, from railcards to cash to overdrafts, so lookfrom railcards to cash to overdrafts, so lookfrom railcards to cash to overdrafts, so lookaround to find whichever one works best for you.around to find whichever one works best for you.around to find whichever one works best for you. It’s always handy to have a Student Beans and aIt’s always handy to have a Student Beans and aIt’s always handy to have a Student Beans and aUNiDAYS account to get yourself a discount, andUNiDAYS account to get yourself a discount, andUNiDAYS account to get yourself a discount, andmaybe a 16-25 Railcard or other studentmaybe a 16-25 Railcard or other studentmaybe a 16-25 Railcard or other studentsubscriptions such as Amazon Prime or Spotify.subscriptions such as Amazon Prime or Spotify.subscriptions such as Amazon Prime or Spotify. Oh, and get yourself a Tesco clubcard (thank meOh, and get yourself a Tesco clubcard (thank meOh, and get yourself a Tesco clubcard (thank melater).later).later). If your college / the University sends you emailsIf your college / the University sends you emailsIf your college / the University sends you emailstelling you to register, just follow theirtelling you to register, just follow theirtelling you to register, just follow theirinstructions. It’s annoying, but necessary!instructions. It’s annoying, but necessary!instructions. It’s annoying, but necessary! LIST PACKING THE LIST IS NOT EXHAUSTIVE.It’s also worth remembering that, generally, everything you pack you needto unpack and then repack nine weeks later (a process to be repeated twice in first year), so it’sworth thinking hard about what you actually need. N.B. Every college has different rules aboutthings like Blu-Tack and kettles, so check your handbook or send them an email to double checkanything that you’re unsure about. a MATTRESS TOPPER - everyone remembers bedding, but many forget that thekey to good sleep is the mattress comfort. Blu-Tack (or white tack) / drawing pins - most rooms have a pin board, andit’s always nice to spruce up your drab room with some photos from home. A door-hook - perfect for hanging up damp towels or coats. An extension lead - it’s an Oxford room, so there are never enough plugsockets and they’re inevitably in peculiar locations. Decorations - posters, photos, fairy lights, really anything to make clearto your fellow freshers that you are, in fact, extremely cool. Slippers / sliders - floors get cold and shared bathrooms can be grotty. Also, fire drills are sometimes conducted at inopportune moments. Clothes - ideally some warm ones; libraries are often both poorly insulatedand poorly heated. Overpack socks and pants. A stuffed animal / comfort object - no shame in it, it’s nice to be reminded ofhome. Clothes hangers - there are never enough. Comedic miscellanea - bops are often themed and it's useful to have areserve of potential costumes. Diffusers / air fresheners - nobody wants to live in a smelly room. Medical - paracetamol, strepsils, etc, will all help you beat the inevitablefreshers’ flu. Food containers - for leftovers and bulk buying. Cutlery - both cheap and easily identifiable as your own. Plates - bowls, mugs (Oxford runs on hot beverages), and other kitchenparaphernalia. Scissors. Plus…anything you need to cook for yourself if you want to have thisoption. (Other things worth having, like bin liners, are better purchased in Oxfordso you don’t have to transport them). cups. mugs. plates, bowls scissors washing up liquid and sponge a kettle Toiletries - in particular, invest in your own soap and toilet paper. Ifcollege provides them, they are likely to be…suboptimal. A washbag - in the likely event you do not have an en suite, you need to beable to transport toiletries. Towels a bathmat stationery - pens, pencils, erasers, bookmarks, sticky notes, rulers, pen pots, notebook, calculators (if relevant to your course). an academic planner phone and laptop - plus chargers Headphones While you matriculate at the University ofOxford, your day-to-day experience willgenerally be of your college. There are dozensof these and they vary in size, age, wealth, andcourses offered. They also vary in character; each is unique and, for all its foibles, you willcome to feel rather defensive of your college. So, don’t be disheartened if you were movedduring the application process - it happens tomany - and will not diminish your experience atall. top tip: if you have any immediate issues, the porters are your firstport of call. the majority are very friendly - so when you inevitablylock yourself out at least once, you know who to go to! Loose Handdrawn LGBTQIA+ People freshers week freshers week the first thing to know about freshers week, is that it is ent- irely organised by your college’sentertainment committee - don’t fall prey to the random whataspp spam texts advertising freshers events, or do anything other than look at the freshers week titinerary that your college will send soon, There will be a variety of events planned, aimed to get absolutelyeveryone involved and settled in to your new lives atuniversity. DAYTIME ACTIVITIES INCLUDE WORKSHOPS COVERINGIMPORTANT TOPICS SUCH AS CONSENT, PICNICS,SPORTS DAYS, TREASURE HUNTS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR EVERYONE TO GET TOKNOW EACH OTHER. YOU WILL ALSO HAVE INDUCTIONS AT YOURCOLLEGE LIBRARY TO FAMILIARISE YOURSELVES WITH THEIRSYSTEMS. IN THE EVENINGS, MOST COLLEGES WILL ORGANISE SOMECLUB TRIPS, AS WELL AS NON-DRINKING EVENTS SUCH AS CRAZYGOLF AND FILM NIGHTS IN JCR’S! enjoy yourself, but remember that drinking is always optional, not obligatory. So, have a good time, and try not to get a reputation as a “silly fresher”. TO COOK OR NOT TOCOOK? TO COOK OR NOT TOCOOK? If your cooking would make Gordon Ramsay cry, do not despair. Most collegesoffer catered options, 3 meals a day, 7 days a week, in hall. However, thequality often varies, especially if you have certain dietary requirements. Whilst a lot of first year accommodation has limited cooking facilities, in somecases you may prefer to be your own chef. So, here are some pros and cons ofeach option. CATERED It’s quick and easy! Plus you don’t run the risk of getting your pasta stuckto the bottom of the pan… It’s generally reasonably priced. It’s a balanced diet! Unless you’re a much better person than I am, you willend up eating more salt and fewer greens if you don’t go to hall. Hall provides a great opportunity to socialise, especially in the first fewweeks. You often have to book in advance (...or so college says), and may have togo elsewhere if you forget. Sometimes options get repetitive. SELF-CATERED You can choose what you eat (within the scope of your culinary skills). It can be cheaper than hall, especially if you cook in bulk. Cooking facilities are often limited, kitchens can get busy, and if you haveleftovers they may be pilfered! As a student, you’re usually tired and may not want to do tasks, i.e. cooking. REDUCED FOOD food on a budget food on a budget in oxford,with so many food placeslocal to you, it can be easy to fritteraway large sums of your studentbudget on food, especially if youhave to pay for your own food forthe first time. centrally, we onlyhave supermarkets such as Tescoand Sainsbury’s, and usually prettysmall ones at that. If you can’t makethe trek out to Aldi AND HOME Bargains in Botley, here are some top tips for eating on abudget in Oxford! it’s always a shout to have a look in places such as Tescoaround 6 or 7 PM, when they start putting the yellow ‘reduced’stickers on things. You can usually get a few bargains here, whether they’re close to their expiry date or just a littledamaged. TOO GOOD TO GO tgtg is an app that you can download to find reduced foodfrom different places, from Pret and Greggs to local cafes and restaurants. TGTG offers ‘Magic Bags’ for afraction of their original price, and all you have to do isreserve one on the app and pay for it when you go to collect itfrom the store. As well as being a huge bargain (some MagicBags are amazing value for money), you’re also helping toreduce food waste! food on a budget food on a budget TUPPERWARE on the topic of food waste, make sure you have tupperware. Especially ifyou’re getting a big Magic Bag, or maybe having a meal out that you can’tfinish, it’s a good idea to be able to save any leftovers, reducing foodwaste and getting more for your money. if you’re part catered or fullycatered, a friend of mine brings tupperware to hall, which is a greatoption if you don’t have time at that point to eat but want to save it forlater. MEAL PREP for the self-catered among us, if you cook in bulk and freeze yourleftovers, your money will go much further. plus, you’ll thank yourself when you can just shove your dinner in the microwave rather than havingto cook it all again from scratch! CLUBCARD i discovered this far too late - using aClubcard is a great way to save somemoney, both with Clubcard-only discountsand Clubcard points. Since Tesco is thesupermarket that most people use inOxford, it makes sense to have aClubcard, whether a physical card, orjust by downloading the app. MICHAELMAS work and study work and study when freshers ends, it’s time to think about work (i’m sorry!); and without trying to scare you, your first term at oxford will likely be one of the most chaotic periods of your life. Compared to other universities, Oxford has very short terms. Eachteaching week is numbered, from 1st week to 8th week. When you’re inOxford, expect to hear these as official shorthand instead of actual normal dates-so expectyour essay to be due for “Thursday of 5th”, not Thursday 11thNovember. there’s also 0th (noughts), the week before term starts, and 9th, the week after term ends. following? however chaotic, treasure your michaelmas; it will fly by! the terms the terms the busiest term. Everyone is starting overagain, so it’s a great time to try something new. Michaelmas has Halloween, Queerfest, andOxmas-you won’t be short of things to do. Sun summer TRINITY HILARY wet, cold, and a little sad - but there’s plenty ofblack tie in hilary, and the possibility of snow, soall is not lost! Trinity is best summarised by my friend’s tutor: “trinity is for punting and pimms”. it is the warmest term, so expect yourself to be relaxing at port meadow, going to garden parties and plays and taking some time to relax after a hard year’s work. that or with your heads down in the library studying for prelims or finals... REMEMBER... It’s normal to have a few organisational mishaps in your first fewweeks, and good tutors will understand this. don’t stress too much about your first essays or problemsheets-they will be quite different to the work that you’re usedto. Don’t underestimate the jump from A-level to undergraduatestudy - or equally from undergrad to graduate study - as it’shuge. You’re not expected to know everything. and always remember: it’ll be worth it for oxmas at the end! Oxmas is Oxford’s answer to Christmas - because Michaelmasterm finishes so early, festive events take place in November. Soit’s good news for those who wish Christmas could be every day, as you’ll now get two. Hd Books Png Image Free Download - Book Png Hd,Books Png LIBRARIES LIBRARIES if there’s anything oxford has, it’s some absolutely amazing libraries. you’ll soon find your favourite, whether it’s your college library or venturing to the rad cam in hopes of receiving an oxlove... here’s some to get you started! RADCLIFFE CAMERA oxford’s most iconic library, in Radcliffe Square in the heart of the city. Beautiful Palladian architecture. Always busy with patchy Wi-Fi, but please don’t leave Oxford without visiting. THE OLD BODLEIAN As the name suggests, the oldest of Oxford’s libraries. Large, well-equipped reading rooms with beautiful views. THE TAYLORIAN Probably Oxford’s prettiest library on the inside. The best part aboutbeing a language student, but don’t let them have it all to themselves. Isit a library or an elaborate maze? Who knows? Good luck finding yourway out! SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARY not the prettiest, and definitely not hogwarts-style like the old bod, but there’s cheap coffee and always a seat at the ssl. good for the minimalists among us... 90s Anime Coffee OTHER STUDY SPACES... OTHER STUDY SPACES... CAFES WE TOLD YOU THAT OXFORD RUNS ON HOT BEVERAGES... Feed thatcaffeine addiction and meet that essay deadline at the sametime. Uni Parks and Christ Church Meadow are particularly pretty, and you can get into pretty much any college garden by showingyour Bodcard. THE OXFORD UNION for members only, but you can ask a friend to take you as a guest. There’s the main library, but also three richly decorated rooms which make you feel like you’re the Prime Minister. There are even armchairs for those post-Park END MORNINGS. THEY ALSO OFFER GOOD VALUE DRINKS AND SNACKS, COMMON GROUND CAFE / THE OXFORD HUB A POPULAR SOCIAL ENTERPRISE / CO-WORKING SPACE IN JERICHO. GREEN SPACES AND BARS CLUBS, PUBS, This is probably the most popular club, particularly on a Wednesday (which isstudent night, THOUGH IT’S STILL WORTH GOING ON ‘Broke Mondays’... It has a number of large floors, with a favourite being the underground ‘cheese floor’- AND YES, IT REALLY DOES LIVE UP TO THE NAME. Most popular on a student Thursday, Bridge has a more enclosed feel than ATIKwhich makes it a better club for socialising. It has three dance floors andfeatures a large outdoor smoking area, which is a great place to hang out. A BITLIKE MARMITE - YOU EITHER LOVE OR HATE BRIDGE. Deep into Cornmarket Street and tuckedjust out of sight IS Plush, an undergroundLGBTQ+ bar and club. This is most often vis- ited on a Tuesday (‘Tuesgays’), with theLGBTQ+ Society hosting drinks at adifferent college every week beforehand. Bully often features different themed nights such as Fluorescent AdOlescent or Call Me Maybe but the trek often calls for a 3am taxi back tocollege. AND NOW FOR PUBS... AND NOW FOR PUBS... NOT THE CHEAPEST, BUT IMPOSSIBLE TO RESIST. down an alleyway under the Bridge ofSighs, prepare yourself for “an education in intoxication” at one of the mostaesthetically pleasing pubs in Oxford. Not only is their food phenomenallygood but Turf prides itself on their extensive list of famous figures who havevisited their bar - from David Bowie to Stephen Hawking and President BillClinton. both located a 5 minute walk from the highstreet, these are our belovedWetherspoons. ideal for pre or after drinks,. ILOCATED ON THE CORNER OF BROAD STREED, this pub boast a lot of history, built in1607, but it is a perfect spot for different societies’ socials. A HIDDEN GEM. DECENT PRICES, BUT NOT THE MOST SCENIC LOCATION. THE INTERIOR IS TINY, SO IF YOU’RE GOING TO THE BEAR IN WINTER WRAP UP - YOU’LL MOST LIKELY BE IN THEIR OUTDOOR COVERED SEATING AREA. AND FINALLY: THE BARS! AND FINALLY: THE BARS! located next to the Covered Market, this is a great place to go both in the dayand at night, spanning a number of floors. Drinks are pricey (AHEM, EXTORTIONATE...) but with a dance floor, lounge and a rooftop bar withpanoramic views of Oxford, you should definitely go at least once. a much more sophisticated vibe, Freud features a great cocktail list and is setin a beautiful old church on Walton Street. It doubles up as an events venuehaving previously hosted masquerade balls and fashion shows, this is oneplace you don’t want to miss! located on Cowley Road, the Mad Hatter is a favourite of many, renowned forits Alice in Wonderland theme. you’ll be sipping (FAIRLY REASONABLY PRICED) cocktails from teacups, LISTENIG TO JAZZ OR taking part in a karaoke night - what’s not to love?! located on Blue Boar Street, The House offers asophisticated vibe, perfect for birthdays and otherspecial occasions. They have happy hours every day, discounted drinks for members of The Oxford Unionand the cocktails are delicious! STAYING SAFE ON A SHARKING SPIKING SHARKING REFERS TO A SITUATION IN WHICH OLDER STUDENTSDELIBERATELY PREY ON INEXPERIENCED YOUNGER STUDENTS, ESPECIALLY DURING FRESHERS WEEK. ALWAYS STAY SAFE, AWARE, ANDMAKE SURE YOU’RE COMFORTABLE. “SPIKING” IS WHEN SOMEONEGIVES YOU ALCOHOL OR MORE COMMONLY, ADRUG, WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE BY SLIPPING IT INTO YOUR DRINK. THIS CAN HAPPEN AT EVERY BAR OR CLUB, NOT JUST UNIVERSITY, ANDCAN HAVE ADVERSE IMMEDIATE HEALTH EFFECTS. TO TRY AND PREVENT THESE, HERE ARE SOME TIPSTHAT WILL MAKE HOPEFULLY MAKEYOU FEEL MUCHSAFER ON A NIGHT OUT IF YOU NOTICE YOUR FRIEND HAS DISAPPEARED UNANNOUNCED, TRYTO LOOK FOR THEM OR CONTACT THEM AS A GROUP. GIRLS MAKESURE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM TOGETHER AND TAKE YOUR DRINKSWITH YOU! GO WITH A GROUP, AND TRY TO STICK TOGETHER NIGHT OUT KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR FRIENDS IF THEY SEEM UNCOMFORTABLE AT ANY POINT, OR IF YOU NOTICEANYONE GETTING A BIT TOO CLOSE, REACH OUT TO THEM TO CHECKIF THEY’RE FEELING UNCOMFORTABLE. IF THEY ARE, GET YOURGROUP TOGETHER AND POSSIBLY GO ELSEWHERE. CHARGE YOUR PHONE CHARGE YOUR PHONE - NEVER, AND WE MEAN NEVER, GO OUT WITHAN UNCHARGED PHONE. YOU SHOULD HAVE IT FULLY CHARGED, OR ATMINIMUM 80%, SO THAT YOU CAN KEEP IN CONTACT WITH FRIENDS, CALL SOMEONE IN AN EMERGENCY, OR ORDER A TAXI AT THE END OFTHE NIGHT. IF SOMEONE WANDERS OFF ON A NIGHT OUT OR IS IN TROUBLE, HAVING YOUR LOCATION SHARED WITH EACHOTHER ON ‘FIND YOURIPHONE’ IS INVALUABLE. ANOTHER ALTERNATIVE IS LIFE360. TURN YOUR LOCATION ON FOR SOMEONE YOU TRUST KNOW YOUR LIMITS YOU WANT TO HAVE A GOOD TIME, BUT BE AWARE OF THE POINT ATWHICH YOU SHOULD STOP DRINKING. MAKE SURE TO EAT SOME- THING BEFORE YOU GO OUT TO LINE YOUR STOMACH. TOP TIP: DRINKING MILK ALSO HELPS TO DO THE SAME THING . ALERT SECURITY IF YOU FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE IT’S ALSO WORTHWHILE KNOWING THAT IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOUKNOW IS IN TROUBLE, SOME COLLEGES OPERATE A SERVICE WHEREYOU CAN RING THE PORTERS LODGE AND THEY WILL CALL YOU ATAXI. THERE IS ALSO THE ‘SAFE LODGE’ SCHEME, A UNIVERSITY WIDEPROJECT THAT ENSURES THAT ANY STUDENT IN DISTRESS CANQUICKLY AND EASILY FIND A PLACE WHERE THEY ARE SAFE ANDSECURE. PARTICIPATING LODGES CAN BE IDENTIFIED WITH A GREENCIRCLE SYMBOL DISPLAYED IN THE LODGE AND VISIBLE FROM THEPAVEMENT. THE LODGE WILL PHONE YOUR HOME COLLEGE, WHOWILL THEN ARRANGE YOUR SAFE RETURN TO YOUR COLLEGE ORACCOMMODATION IF NEED BE. IF APPROPRIATE THE PORTERS WILLCALL THE UNIVERSITY SECURITY SERVICES OR THE POLICE. KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR DRINK SOME COLLEGES HAVE DRINK COVERS IN THEIR FRESHERS’ WEEKWELCOME PACKS, BUT IF NOT THESE ARE EASILY ACCESSIBLEONLINE, AND SOME COME IN THE FORM OF A SCRUNCHIE WHICH YOUCAN KEEP ON YOUR WRIST. IF YOU FORGET TO TAKE THIS WITH YOU, MAKE SURE YOU KEEP YOUR PALM OVER YOUR DRINK WHENEVERYOU ARE DANCING - OR OPT TO JUST TAKE SHOTS AT THE BAR. THESE TIPS SHOULDN‘T BE NECESSARY BUT, UNFORTUNATELY, THEY ARE. THE MOSTIMPORTANT THING IS TO STAY SELF-AWARE ANDLOOK OUT FOR EACH OTHER. societies societies oxford has lots of societies - from things you’ve donebefore to things you want to try for the first time, theres, something for everyone. STUDENT JOURNALISM If you’re interested in journalism, Oxford is a great placeto get started. Personally, we recommend The Oxford Blue... (although of course, Cherwell, The Oxford Student AND THEISIS MAGAZINE also run very respectable papers). We have agreat reputation as a training paper, offering workshops, talks with leading journalists, and other, more socialevents. Commissions are posted on a weekly basis on ourFacebook Writers Groups on a variety of topics, fromLifestyle to Global Affairs, and we welcome articles aboutpretty much anything. WE WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU JOIN US! STUDENT SPORT THE NUMBER ONE MISTAKE STUDENTS OFTEN MAKE IS THAT UNIVERSITYSPORT IS INACCESSIBLE TO THOSE NOT AT THE VERY TOP LEVEL. WHETHERYOU’RE SOMEONE GUNNING FOR A BLUE OR SOMEONE WHO JUST WANTS TOPLAY CASUALLY, THERE’S SOMETHING FOR YOU. WHILST WE HAVEUNIVERSITY SPORTS TEAMS, WE ALSO HAVE (TO NAME ONLY A FEW) COLLEGE SPORTS, A SOCIAL TENNIS TEAM, A ROWING DEVELOPMENTTEAM FOR BEGINNERS, A NON-SELECTIVE CROSS COUNTRY ANDATHLETICS SQUAD; AND SO MANY MORE. WE EVEN HAVE ULTIMATEFRISBEE. SO IF YOU DESPERATELY WANT THAT BLUE, MAYBE GO FOR ALESSER KNOWN SPORT! to name a few MORE... to name a few MORE... THE OXFORD UNIVERSITYDRAMATIC SOCIETY (OUDS) - AND COLLEGE THEATRE. VARIOUS COUNTRY SOCIETIES OXFORD FEMINIST SOCIETY CLIMATE SOCIETY FEMTECH SOC THE OXFORD GARGOYLES JAZZ SOC OXFORD LABOUR CLUB OXFORD UNIVERSITY CONSERVATIVEASSOCIATION LEGO SOCIETY MEDICAL SOCIETY LGBTQ+ SOC PHOTOGRAPHY SOC PSYCHEDELIC SOC QUIDDITCH STRING ENSEMBLE OXWIB TAYLOR SWIFT SOCIETY REGIONAL SOCIETIES RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES THERE ARE SO MANY MORE THAT WE DIDN’T HAVE SPACE TOINCLUDE. MAKE SURE TO GET INVOLVED! THE 93% CLUB CAMPAIGNS STUDENT UNION OXFORD’S STUDENT UNION HAS A VARIETY OF CAMPAIGNS WHICH AIMTO REPRESENT AND HELP GROUPS WHO MIGHT FACE SPECIFICPROBLEMS RELATING TO THEIR IDENTITY WHILST AT OXFORD. INFORMATION ON THE CAMPAIGN FOR RACIAL AWARENESS (CRAE) AND THE DISABILITY CAMPAIGN CAN BE FOUND VIA THE OXFORD SUWEBSITE. THE OXFORD SU LGBTQ+ CAMPAIGN IS THE POLITICAL ARM OF NOTONLY THE UNIVERSITY’S LGBTQ+ STUDENT BODY, BUT THE WIDEROXFORD QUEER COMMUNITY AS WELL. THEY LIAISE WITH COLLEGESAND THE UNIVERSITY IN ORDER TO FOSTER CHANGE AT BOTH LEVELS. THE SCOPE OF THEIR WORK IS NOT LIMITED TO MEMBERS OF THEUNIVERSITY; THEY ARE ALSO COMMITTED TO FIGHTING HOMOPHOBIA, TRANSPHOBIA, AND ANY OTHER FORMS OF DISCRIMINATION FACED BYMEMBERS OF THE OXONIAN LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY AT LARGE. CONTACT THEM AT: LGBTQ-CHAIR@OXFORDSU.OX.AC.UK WORK PRIORITISES HELPING OUT ALL WOMEN AND NON-BINARYSTUDENTS IN OXFORD WHO FACE AND HAVE EXPERIENCED MISOGYNY. THEY AIM TO CREATE A SAFE AND WELCOMING SPACE FOR ALL. THROUGH LOBBYING ON BEHALF OF THOSE WHO IDENTIFY WITH THEIRCAMPAIGN, THEY AIM TO BE A FORCE FOR CHANGE ACROSS OXFORD. THE INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS’ CAMPAIGN ADVOCATES FOR ANDSUPPORTS ALL INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OFOXFORD ACROSS UNDERGRADUATE, POSTGRADUATE, ANDCONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMMES. THEY WORK WITH ALLCOLLEGES AND ADMINISTRATIVE BODIES, FACULTY, AND STUDENTS AS BEST SUITS OUR MEMBERS AND THE INTERNATIONAL STUDENTCOMMUNITY AT LARGE. SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND ASSAULT IS A CONVERSATION THATNOBODY ENJOYS TALKING ABOUT BUT EVERYONE MUST BE AWAREOF. IT HAPPENS HERE IS A CAMPAIGN AGAINST SEXUAL VIOLENCECLOSELY ASSOCIATED WITH THE OXFORD STUDENT UNION WITH THEAIM OF PREVENTING SEXUAL ASSAULT THROUGH EDUCATIONALEVENTS, PROTECTING SURVIVORS, AND EMPOWERING THEM TOREPORT THEIR EXPERIENCE. IF YOU EXPERIENCE SEXUAL HARASSMENT OR ASSAULT YOU CANREACH OUT FOR HELP. THERE ARE SERVICES BOTH WITHIN THEUNIVERSITY AND OUTSIDE OF IT WHICH WILL SUPPORT YOU THROUGHTHE PROCESS . CLASS ACT IS A STUDENT-LED CAMPAIGN THAT PROVIDES SUPPORT, ADVICE AND A WELCOMING COMMUNITY FOR STUDENTS FROM ARANGE OF UNDERREPRESENTED BACK- GROUNDS. THESEBACKGROUNDS INCLUDE WORKING CLASS, LOW INCOME, ESTRANGED, FIRST GENERATION, CARE LEAVER, AND STATE COMPREHENSIVE. OVERTHE PAST FEW YEARS, AN INFLUX OF STUDENTS FROM THESEBACKGROUNDS HAVE GAINED THEIR PLACE AT OXFORD UNIVERSITY; DESPITE THE DOOR BEING OPEN TO THESE STUDENTS, THEIREXPERIENCE OF UNIVERSITY CAN BE EXTREMELY DIFFICULT FOR MANYREASONS INCLUDING FINANCIAL, SOCIAL, AND WORK-RELATED. THIS ISWHERE CLASS ACT COMES ALONG. THROUGH SOCIAL EVENTS, CLASSACT PROVIDES A SPACE FOR STUDENTS TO MAKE NEWACQUAINTANCES, WITH PEOPLE FROM A SIMILAR BACKGROUND TOTHEIR OWN. CLASS ACT ALSO PROVIDES ADVICE AND SUPPORT TOSTUDENTS WHO ARE EXPERIENCING AN ISSUE THAT IS DIRECTLYASSOCIATED WITH THEIR BACKGROUND. SEXUAL HEALTH RESOURCES OXFORD HAS PLENTY OF FREE SEXUAL HEALTH RESOURCESAVAILABLE THROUGH THE UNIVERSITY AND EXTERNALLY. OXFORD SEXUAL HEALTH SERVICES OXFORDSHIRE SEXUAL HEALTH SERVICE OFFERS RESOURCES FORSTI TESTING, EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION, CONTRACEPTION, PREP, HIV CARE, SEXUAL ASSAULT AND OTHER RESOURCES. THE MAIN PHONE LINE IS OPEN 9:30-16:00, EVERY WEEKDAY EXCEPTWEDNESDAY. 01865 231231 HTTPS://WWW.SEXUALHEALTHOXFORDSHIRE.NHS.UK/ THEY OPERATE A SCHEME TO RECEIVE FREE CONDOMS BY POST, SELF-TESTING STI KITS, AND TELEPHONE APPOINTMENTS. THEY ALSO HAVE TWO DIFFERENT CLINICS AVAILABLE FOR IN- PERSON APPOINTMENTS: OXFORD CHURCHILL CLINIC OPERATES A DROP-IN SERVICE ON WEDNESDAYS FROM 13:00-17:30, AS WELL AS PHYSICAL APPOINTMENTS AND MEDICATIONCOLLECTION SERVICES. HTTPS://WWW.SEXUALHEALTHOXFORDSHIRE.NHS.UK/CLINICS/OXFORD/ EAST OXFORD (RECTORY ROAD) CLINIC BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - UNLESS YOU ARE UNDER 18 - BUT OFFERSTHE SAME SERVICES LIST. HTTPS://WWW.SEXUALHEALTHOXFORDSHIRE.NHS.UK/CLINICS/EAST-OXFORD/ SEXUAL HEALTH RESOURCES AN INCLUSION CLINIC WHICH PROVIDES CONTRACEPTION ANDSEXUAL HEALTHCARE TO PEOPLE WHO NEED EXTRA SUPPORT ANDLONGER APPOINTMENT TIMES. THIS CLINIC IS RUN BY REFERRALONLY. HTTPS://WWW.SEXUALHEALTHOXFORDSHIRE.NHS.UK/SERVICES/CLINIC-U/ CLINIC U COLLEGES YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO ORGANISE EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTIVECARE, TESTING, AND LONG-TERM TREATMENT THROUGH YOUR GP. IFYOU HAVE REGISTERED WITH AN OXFORD GP, THEY SHOULD OFFER ARANGE OF IN-PERSON AND TELEPHONE APPOINTMENTS. YOU SHOULDBE ABLE TO USE A HOME GP THROUGH TELEPHONE APPOINTMENTSAND THE NHS APP. YOU CAN COLLECT PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION FROM A RANGE OFPHARMACIES, GPS, AND POP-UP CLINICS IN OXFORD. MANY COLLEGE JCRS OFFER FREE CONTRACEPTION RESOURCES. THESE SHOULD BE AVAILABLE EITHER IN THE COMMON ROOM OR ONREQUEST. MOST COLLEGES ALSO OFFER AN ON-SITE COLLEGE NURSEAND COLLEGE COUNSELLOR BY APPOINTMENT, WITH WHOM YOUSHOULD BE ABLE TO DISCUSS ANY QUESTIONS, QUERIES, ORTREATMENTS. DIAGNOSIS, TESTING, AND TREATMENT FOR STIS ARE EXEMPT FROMCHARGE (EXCLUDING OVERSEAS VISITORS). GP APPOINTMENTS YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO FREE CONTRACEPTION IN THE UK REGARDLESS OFAGE, SEXUALITY, OR GENDER. THE PORTERS - THESE PEOPLE AT THE DOOR TO COLLEGE WILLHELP WITH IMMEDIATE CONCERNS / EMERGENCIES. COLLEGE CHAPLAIN / WELFARE LEAD - COLLEGE STAFF MEMBERWHO CAN HELP YOU ACCESS SUPPORT AND PROVIDE LISTENINGSERVICES. WELFARE JCR REPRESENTATIVES - THESE ARE THE STUDENTCOUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES WHO DEAL WITH WELFARECONCERNS. PEER SUPPORTERS - STUDENTS IN YOUR COLLEGE TRAINED TOLISTEN AND DIRECT YOU TO THE RIGHT SERVICES FOR MORESUPPORT. TUTORS - THEY HAVE A WELLBEING AND WELFARE ROLE AS WELLAS AN ACADEMIC ROLE. IF YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE, CONTACTTHEM IF YOU ARE STRUGGLING, ESPECIALLY IF IT HAS TO DO WITHYOUR WORK/ AFFECTING IT. WELFARE AND WELLBEING THERE IS ALSO LOTS OF SPECIALIST 24-HOURSUPPORT AROUND OXFORD TO HELP WHENNEEDED COLLEGE SUPPORT CONTACTS WELFARESUPPORT THE STUDENT UNION ADVICE SERVICE AN INDEPENDENT EMAIL AND PHONE ADVISORY SERVICE CATERINGTO OXFORD UNIVERSITY STUDENTS, AVAILABLE MON-THURS TERMTIME, 10.30 AM-12.30 PM. EMAIL: ADVICE@OXFORDSU.OX.AC.UK PHONE: 07436 225637 THE UNIVERSITY COUNSELLING SERVICE THE UNIVERSITY COUNSELLING SERVICE CAN OFFER A CONFIDENTIALAPPOINTMENT WITH A TRAINED COUNSELLOR. YOU CAN REFERYOURSELF AND COMPLETE A FORM TO EXPLAIN THE DIFFICULTIESYOU ARE HAVING, AND AN APPOINTMENT WILL USUALLY BEARRANGED WITHIN TWO WEEKS. THE COUNSELLING SERVICEREGULARLY SEES UP TO 13% OF THE UNIVERSITY POPULATION. EMAIL: COUNSELLING@ADMIN.OX.AC.UK PHONE: 01865 270300 THE OXFORD MINDFULNESS CENTRE THE OXFORD MINDFULNESS CENTRE PROVIDES KEY RESOURCESRELATED TO MEDITATION AND MINDFULNESS, WHICH MAY PROVEUSEFUL. THE CENTRE PROVIDES ONLINE GUIDED SESSIONS AND RUNSREGULAR MINDFULNESS COURSES. HTTPS://WWW.OXFORDMINDFULNESS.ORG/ OXFORD NIGHTLINE THE SAMARITANS ARE AN EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE 24HOURS A DAY, SEVEN DAYS A WEEK. IF YOU FEEL IN IMMEDIATEDANGER, YOU CAN CALL A VOLUNTEER FOR SUPPORT. PHONE: 116 123 CONTACTS WELFARESUPPORT DISABILITY ADVISORY SERVICE THE DISABILITY ADVISORY SERVICE (DAS) SUPPORTS STUDENTSWITH PHYSICAL AND NON-PHYSICAL DISABILITIES AT OXFORD. THEDAS CAN HELP YOU WITH A NEW DIAGNOSIS, ASSIST WITH HOUSINGPROVISION, OR ARRANGE SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOREXAMINATIONS. EMAIL: DISABILITY@ADMIN.OX.AC.UK PHONE: 01865 280459 GP SERVICES IF YOU ARE BEING HARASSED OR BULLIED - WITHIN YOURDEPARTMENT OR OUTSIDE OF IT - THE HARASSMENT ADVISORYNETWORK CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH CONFIDENTIAL, NON- JUDGEMENTAL SUPPORT. ACADEMIC FACULTIES AND DEPARTMENTSHAVE DESIGNATED HARASSMENT ADVISORS, BUT IF YOU PREFER, YOU CAN REQUEST AN ADVISOR OUTSIDE OF YOUR DEPARTMENT. EMAIL: HARASSMENT.LINE@ADMIN.OX.AC.UK YOU CAN REGISTER WITH A GP IN OXFORD, WHICH WILL GIVE YOUACCESS TO TELEPHONE AND PHYSICAL IN-PERSON APPOINTMENTSAND REFERRALS TO OTHER SERVICES. IF YOU AREN’T REGISTERED INOXFORD, IT SHOULD BE POSSIBLE TO TAKE TELEPHONE GPAPPOINTMENTS AND MOVE ANY PRESCRIPTIONS OR RESOURCES TOLOCAL OXFORD NETWORKS. THIS ALSO GOES FOR OXFORD GPSDURING THE HOLIDAYS. HARASSMENT ADVISORY NETWORK CONTACTS WELFARESUPPORT VICE PRESIDENT FOR WELFARE AND EQUALOPPORTUNITIES THE VP WEO AT OXFORD SU IS A KEY STUDENT CONTACT FOR ISSUESRELATING TO WELFARE AT THE UNIVERSITY AND CAN BE CONTACTEDAT: VPWEO@OXFORDSU.OX.AC.UK VICE PRESIDENT FOR WOMEN THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR WOMEN AT OXFORD SU IS A KEY STUDENTCONTACT FOR WOMEN’S ISSUES AT THE UNIVERSITY AND CAN BECONTACTED AT: VPWOMEN@OXFORDSU.OX.AC.UK GLOSSARY THE OXFORD BATTELS - THE FEES THAT YOU PAY FOR ACCOMODATION, FOOD, FACILITIES ETC. AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH TERM. BLUE - A SPORTING AWARD BOD - THE BODLEIAN OLD LIBRARY BODCARD - YOUR UNIVERSITY ID CARD, USED TO GAIN ACCESS TOLIBRARIES AND COLLEGES BOP - STANDS FOR ‘BIG ORGANISED PARTY‘, COLLEGE PARTIESARRANGED BY YOUR COLLEGE ENTZ COMMITTEE BUMPS - A ROWING TERM; PURPOSELY BUMPING THE BOAT IN FRONTTO ADVANCE IN THE RACE CHAPLAIN - THE PERSON WHO RUNS THE COLLEGE CHAPEL, ALSOINVOLVED IN WELFARE CREWDATE - A NIGHT OUT ORGANISED BETWEEN TWO SOCIETIES. EXPECT TO GET VERY DRUNK AND DRINK OUT OF YOUR SHOE. DEANED - A DISCIPLINARY MEASURE IN WHICH YOU GET SENT TOTHE DEAN DON - AN ACADEMIC SENIOR MEMBER OF COLLEGE , YOUR TUTOR, PROFESSOR, FELLOW ETC. EIGHTS - SHORT FOR SUMMER EIGHTS, AN INTER-COLLEGIATEROWING COMPETITION HELD EACH TRINITY. ENTZ - ENTERTAINMENT AND EVENTS RUN BY YOUR COLLEGE’S ENTZOFFICERS. SILLY OX FORD WORD, BECAUSE WE CAN’T BE BOTHEREDPRONOUNCING MORE THAN ONE SYLLABLE PER WORD. FINALS - THE EXAMS AT THE END OF YOUR DEGREE THAT DECIDEYOUR DEGREE CLASSIFICATION(AND WHAT I‘M PROCRASTINATINGBY WRITING THIS GUIDE) FORMAL - A FANCIER VERSION OF A MEAL IN HALL THAT YOU WEARYOUR GOWN TO HACKING - USUALLY SEEN IN THE 7TH WEEK OF EACH TERM. THOSERUNNING FOR ELECTION AT THE OXFORD UNION MAY MESSAGE YOUASKING FOR YOUR VOTE (SOME FIND THIS VERY ANNOYING JCR - SHORT FOR JUNIOR COMMON ROOM, THE UNDERGRADUATEREPRESENTATIVE OF YOUR COLLEGE BUT ALSO THE PHYSICALCOMMUNAL SPACE IN YOUR COLLEGE. MATRICULATION - A CEREMONY THAT MARKS YOUR OFFICIALINITIATION INTO THE UNIVERSITY. OXFESS - AN ANONYMOUS CONFESSION PAGE ON FACEBOOK. LOTSOF DRAMA, RANTS, AND ARGUMENTS TAKE PLACE THERE, SO USE ITAT YOUR OWN RISK. IT’S A GOOD WAY TO PROCRASTINATE ANESSAY THOUGH... OXLOVE - YOU MAY HAVE SEEN ‘RUSH HOUR CRUSHES’ IN SOMENEWSPAPERS COMMUT ERS WRITE ABOUT A CUTE PERSONTHEY SAW ON THEIR WAY HOME FROM WORK. THIS ISOXFORD’S ANSWER TO THAT. OXLOVE IS OXFESS’ MOREWHOLESOME (AND MORE SEXUALLY FRUSTRATED) SIBLING. PIDGE - YOUR PIDGE ROOM IS WHERE YOU WILL FIND YOURPIGEON HOLE, WHERE ALL YOUR MAIL WILL ARRIVE. PORTER - A MEMBER OF STAFF AT COLLEGE WHO WORKS INTHE PORTERS’ LODGE. THEY TAKE YOUR POST TO THE PIDGEROOM, LOOK AFTER SECURITY AND ACCESS TO THE COL- LEGE, AND ARE USUALLY THE FIRST PORT(ER) OF CALL SHOULD YOUNEED ANYTHING! PUNT - A LITTLE WOODEN BOAT THAT YOU CAN... PUNT? DOWNTHE RIVER IN OXFORD WITH A LARGE POLE. THIS ISESPECIALLY POPULAR ON MATRICULATION AND IN TRINITYTERM, BUT YOU NEED SOME SERIOUS UPPER BODY STRENGTH... QUEERFEST - AN ANNUAL LGBTQ+ PARTY HELD IN WADHAMCOLLEGE’S GROUNDS. RUSTICATION - SUSPENDING YOUR STUDIES FOR A YEAR SHARKING - THE EXPLOITATIVE AND PREDATORY ACT OF ANOLDER STUDENT PURPOSELY AIMING TO GET WITH A FR WITH AFRESHER.ESHER. SCONCE - YOU‘LL SEE... SUBFUSC - ACADEMIC DRESS, CONSISTING OF A GOWN(COMMONER’S OR SCHOLAR’S), TIE/ RIBBON, ANDMORTARBOARD. UNDERNEATH, YOU’LL EITHER WEAR A DARKSUIT OR A WHITE SHIRT AND BLACK TROUSERS/A SKIRT WITHDARK TIGHTS. WORN TO MATRICULATION AND EXAMS. STASH - COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY, OR SOCIETY MERCH. PUFFERJACKETS ARE PARTICULARLY POPULAR. AND OFTEN CITED INOXLOVES. TESCOLATOR - THE ESCALATOR IN THE MAGDALEN STREETTESCO, WHICH GIVES ACCESS TO THE LOWER FLOOR. THE UNION - A DEBATING SOCIETY AND MEMBER’S CLUB THATHOSTS SPEAKERS AND EVENTS, LOCATED ON ST MICHAEL’SSTREET VAC - THE OXFORD WORD FOR THE HOLIDAYS. WE HAVECHRISTMAS VAC, EASTER VAC, AND THE LONG VAC (SUMMER). VARSITY - A COMPETITIVE EVENT BETWEEN OXFORD ANDCAMBRIDGE; YOU‘LL PROBABLY FIRST HEAR OF THI S INREFERENCE TO THE VARSITY SKIING TRIP THAT TAKES PLACEIN THE CHRISTMAS VAC THE OXFORD BLUE IS A STUDENTNEWSPAPER THAT WAS ESTABLISHED IN2020, IN RESPONSE TO CRITICISMS OFSTUDENT JOURNALISM AT OXFORD ASBEING ELITIST AND INACCESSIBLE. EVERSINCE, WE HAVE STRIVED TO BETRAINING AND ACCESS-ORIENTED, ANDACTIVELY ENCOURAGE THOSE OF ALLEXPERIENCE LEVELS ANDBACKGROUNDS TO GET INVOLVED. WEWANT YOU, REGARDLESS OF WHO YOUARE. AND FUNNILY ENOUGH - WE’RERECRUITING AS YOU READ THIS! THE OXFORDBLUE THEHISTORY OF AND NOW FOR THE SHAMELESS SELF-PROMO... HOW TO GET INVOLVED... JOIN OUR WRITER’S GROUPS ON FACEBOOK TO SEEWEEKLY COMMISSIONS FROM EACH OF OURSECTIONS PITCH AN ARTICLE TO ONE OF OUR EDITORS. WEARE ALWAYS RECEPTIVE TO NEW IDEAS ANDHAPPY TO WORK WITH YOU TO DEVELOP YOURPIECE. APPLY FOR A JUNIOR EDITOR ROLE. NOEXPERIENCE IS REQUIRED. APPLY TO BE A REPORTER OR STAFF WRITER APPLY FOR A ROLE IN THE BUSINESS, TECH ORCREATIVE TEAM. AND OF COURSE - KEEP READING THE BLUE! WEPUBLISH NEW CONTENT ONLINE REGULARLY SOWHETHER YOU ARE INTERESTED IN POLITICS, CULTURE, FOOD, TRAVEL, LOCAL EVENTS OR SPORT(TO NAME BUT A FEW), WE HAVE SOMETHING FOR YOU! GET IN TOUCH... SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM: EDITORS IN CHIEF: LUCAS HASKINS & MADALEINEPEARCE MANAGING DIRECTOR: FLORA PRIDEAUX SENIOR EDITORIAL TEAM: GLOBAL AFFAIRS: BEN NOLAN & DAVID YANG CULTURES: KENGYU LAI OXFORD NEWS: MAISIE MILLS OPINIONS: FRASER GILLIAT AND JEANNIEMCGUINNESS FEATURES: JESS TAYLOR COLUMNS: LIV EKDAWI IDENTITY: OLLY DEHERRERA ENVIRONMENT: USHIKA KIDD LIFESTYLE: ZHAO CHANGXIAN PODCASTS: HOLLY BOSTOCK SPORTS: KAT BAKER ESCAPE OXFORD WITH GLOBAL AFFAIRS FINALLY, YOU’VE ARRIVED IN OXFORD. BIT BORING ISN’TIT? WITH THE GLOBAL AFFAIRS SECTION WE PROVIDETHE OPPORTUNITY TO LEAVE IT. UNFORTUNATELY WE’RE NOT OFFERING FREE HOLIDAYS(UNLESS YOU CAN FIND A £1 RYANAIR FLIGHT). HOWEVER, THE GLOBAL AFFAIRS SECTION IS LOOKING FOR PEOPLETO WRITE ABOUT ALL THINGS… GLOBAL. INTERESTED IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, GLOBALCULTURAL COMMUNITIES OR AN OPPORTUNITY TO POPTHE ‘OXFORD BUBBLE’? WE’RE LOOKING FORCONTRIBUTORS TO OUR WEEKLY COLUMNS ON GLOBALAFFAIRS ‘OUTSIDE OX1’, OR TECHNOLOGY ANDECONOMICS ‘IT’S THE ECONOMY STUPID’ AS WELL ASTHOSE LOOKING TO WRITE LONGER FORM ARTICLES. SO FAR WE’VE COVERED EVERYTHING FROM AI, GLOBALSUMMITS AND THE WAR IN UKRAINE TO ITALIANGRAFFITI AND THE PROSPECT OF MINING THE MOON. HOWEVER WE’RE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR MORE GLOBALOR INTERNATIONAL STORIES AND WANT YOU TO BE APART OF THIS. IF YOU’RE INTERESTED IN WRITING FOR OUR COLUMNS ORLOOKING FOR AN OPPORTUNITY TO WRITE ABOUT AGLOBAL ISSUE THAT'S IMPORTANT TO YOU THENCONTACT SENIOR EDITORS BEN NOLAN OR DAVID YANG. BEN - BENJAMIN.NOLAN@ORIEL.OX.AC.UK DAVID - DAVID.YANG@WADHAM.OX.AC.UK A FEW WORDS FROM GLOBAL AFFAIRS...